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 The Young and the Restless...

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2 participants

Nombre de messages : 54
Age : 114
Date d'inscription : 05/02/2008

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MessageSujet: The Young and the Restless...   The Young and the Restless... Icon_minitimeVen 13 Juin - 14:55

Pour ceux dont l'histoire de notre cher prince Kael'thas intéresse, voici donc quelques extraits le concernant :

A wizard of great skill and power, [Kael] became a high-ranking member of the Kirin Tor. His continuing magical studies brought him to the Violet Citadel, where he met Lady Jaina Proudmoore while she was still an apprentice. He was immediately drawn to the brilliant and lovely teenager, though the difference between their ages filled him with guilt and self-doubt. Eventually he courted her; however, he had little success in winning her regard. She remained dedicated to her craft above all else.
When rumors began to circulate that Jaina had given her heart to Prince Arthas Menethil, Kael'thas was deeply grieved. In time Jaina and Arthas parted ways, but it was all too obvious to Kael'thas that they still
cherished feelings for one another. Kael'thas and Jaina would never have more than an awkward friendship.

Finally, in the conclusion of Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne, Arthas makes mention to Kael'thas of his "stealing" of Jaina. Kael confirms his and Jaina's previous relationship by telling Arthas that he had taken everything Kael had ever loved. Kael's biography in the Warcraft encyclopedia reveals that Kael fell in love with Jaina when she was studying magic with Antonidas, but the difference in their ages (she was a teenager and he was several centuries old) filled him with "guilt and self-doubt." When he eventually did approach her, she was at such a juncture that her studies came first. A few months later, rumors of her relationship with Arthas began to circulate.
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Nombre de messages : 262
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: The Young and the Restless...   The Young and the Restless... Icon_minitimeJeu 19 Juin - 17:29

(On ne dit absolument rien sur sa relation avec Mion^^)

(Ca sent le raid poour aller tuer Jaina ça mdr)

Merci du texte Mion
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Nombre de messages : 54
Age : 114
Date d'inscription : 05/02/2008

The Young and the Restless... Empty
MessageSujet: Re: The Young and the Restless...   The Young and the Restless... Icon_minitimeJeu 19 Juin - 22:33

Normal, j'ai toujours su garder un minimum de discrétion concernant mes relations amoureuses. Une chance qu'ils aient pas fricotés finalement, sinon j'aurai dû aller lui régler son compte vite fait bien fait, à cette morue. Non mais des fois.
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Nombre de messages : 262
Age : 42
Date d'inscription : 06/09/2006

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MessageSujet: Re: The Young and the Restless...   The Young and the Restless... Icon_minitimeJeu 19 Juin - 23:53

Ah tu ne savais pas que.....oups...
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MessageSujet: Re: The Young and the Restless...   The Young and the Restless... Icon_minitime

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